Plenary talks, small posters and food!
“QFT, Gravity, and Geometry” is designed to bring together PhD researchers across the South East of England to discuss frontiers in theoretical and mathematical physics. With a varied and inclusive scientific program, we aim to bridge conceptual gaps between paradigms in formal high energy theory, broadening participants' outlook on the field. Our themes range from formal quantum field theory to supergravity, highlighting the dualities that link them along the way. We will be joined by two leading experts in M-theory and supergravity who will present the state-of-the-art in their fields.
The event will emphasize synergy and discourse with a timetable that offers discussion sessions to accompany traditional lectures. Our speakers will range from senior staff members to PhD students and the lecture material will be plenary, so as to bring non-specialists up to speed and to facilitate conversation in the discussion sessions.
We hope to bring together a diverse range of researchers who will both contribute to and take inspiration from “QFT, Gravity, and Geometry”. The aim is to generate fruitful interdisciplinary collaboration in PhD research and beyond.
Links to recordings can be found below.
The student talks follow the format 20min (talk) + 5min (questions).
Places are limited and priority is given to SEPnet students.
Registration is now closed.
To register and submit an abstract for a poster presentation or talk please email Abstract deadline 7 February 2025.
Once your abstract has been accepted you will be notified by the conference organiser to register for this conference. Registration deadline: 1 March 2025.
This event is only for SEPnet postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers. This event is free (SEPnet pays for your meals and course fees) for SEPnet postgraduate researchers and you should be able to claim for your travel expenses either from your department or RTSG. If in doubt, please ask your department about the arrangements for claiming for your travel.
A2, portrait, set on tables
Posters should all be A2 sized.
During breaks these will be left on top of tables inside the venue. The attendees will be able to walk around and view them there.
Poster board will not be available during this event. Hence the unusual poster size requirement.
If using beamerposter, we recommend setting the scale above 1.2 and limiting the number of columns to two.
We provide an example poster here, built using the Gemini LaTeX beamerposter theme.
What beautiful posters can I expect to see?
Mahesh Balasubramanian, QMUL
Anomalous symmetries and Gapped RG flows in 3d QFTs
Augustus Brown, QMUL
Heavy operators in \(\mathcal{N}=4\) \(SU(N)\) super Yang-Mills theory
Okasha Uddin, QMUL
I'm lost. Where do I go?
The conference will take place at
One Park Crescent, London, United Kingdom
Use entrance on 229 Great Portland Street, London W1W 5PN. The nearest tube stations are Great Portland Street (Metropolitan Line) or Regents Park (Bakerloo Line).
Registration will be in Portland Room, lower ground floor.